We always recommend visiting the MFOS website before building where the latest 'offical' information and news can be found. Here on the Soundtronics website, you will find selected information from the MFOS site plus additional information and resources to aid the building and maintaining of your MFOS synth. This is not going to happen over-night but during the course of 2014, it will start to take shape as we document our experiences in the construction of these modules. We would also like to include any experiences, hints and tips from customers as well so feel free to contact us or simply post a comment using the form at the foot of this page.

Introduction to the MFOS ADSR

Envelope generators provide a source of voltage that is shaped like a common amplitude envelope. The gate input is used to initiate the ADSR envelope. The following assumes the gate is maintained throughout the attack, decay and sustain cycles. The voltage envelope rises from 0V to 10 volts during the attack cycle at the rate set by the Attack control. At the peak of the attack cycle (10 volts) the decay cycle is entered. The voltage decays to the sustain level (0 to 10 volts dependant on the setting of the Sustain control) at the rate determined by the Decay control. When the gate is released the release cycle is entered and the voltage decays to 0 at the rate determined by the Release control setting. If the gate is removed at any time during the A,D or S cycle the release state is immediately entered. The trigger input used alone can initiate an attack release cycle. When used in conjunction with the gate the trigger can re-initiate an attack cycle when it occurs during the decay or sustain cycles.


  • 1 mS to 20 second Attack, Decay, and Release times.
  • Classic ADSR envelope shape and functionality.
  • Gate and trigger inputs permit retrigger after Attack complete.
  • Comparators on gate and trigger inputs.
  • Power Supply Range +/-9V up to +/-15V

Documentation & Downloads

Under Construction