Wave Folder 162 Build Guide

Assembly Instructions

The Wave Folder 162 module has no particular build requirements not already covered in the ‘General Build Info' page.


  1. Apply a triangular waveform of +/-5V amplitude to the signal input
  2. Set the input level pot to 100% and the Initial Fold Level to 5%
  3. Monitor the output on a scope
  4. Adjust P3 until virtually no folding on the top of the waveform
  5. Adjust P1 until virtually no folding on the bottom of the waveform

PCB Parts List

Part Number Quantity Value Name RefDes
7213-110 2 100u 100uF 25V Electrolytic C1, C6
7212-768 6 100n 100n MLCC Capacitor C2, C3, C4, C5, C7, C8
7212-731 3 22p 22p MLCC Capacitor C9, C10, C11
7213-315 1 10u Non-Pol 10u Non-Pol Electrolytic C12
7212-486 6   1N914 D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6
7212-301 1 Eurorack Eurorack Power J1
1208-005 1   Flex Strip 5way J2
7212-858 1 20k 20k Preset 25T 3296W P1
      Pot 100k Lin PCB Angle* P2, P4, P5
7212-859 1 50k 50k Preset 25T 3296W P3
7163-082 4 20k 20k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R1, R25, R33, R35
7163-098 1 91k 91k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R2
7163-099 19 100k 100k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R17, R18, R24, R26, R28, R31, R32, R34
7163-091 1 47k 47k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R8
7163-101 2 120k 120k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R9, R20
7163-071 1 6k8 6k8 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R16
7163-057 1 1k8 1k8 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R19
7163-130 2 3M 3M 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R21, R30
7163-051 2 1k 1k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R22, R27
7163-075 2 10k 10k 0.25W 1% Metal Film Resistor R23, R29
7212-250 3   SPDT S1, S2, S3
7212-544 2   TL074 U1, U2
7212-527 1   4016B U3
7212-521 1   40106B U4

*See below for MOTM or MU Potentiometers

Module Parts List

Description Reference MOTM Qty MU Qty
Components Kit 7216-262-1 1 1
Accessories Pack including: 7216-262-2 1 1
Pot Sticky Pads 7210-188 3 3
10mm M4 Spacers 7210-186 4 4
M4 x 14 Cap Head Screws 7210-187 4 4
M3 x 8mm Stainless Panel Screws 7216-151 4  
Toggle Switch Dress Nut 7210-196 3 3
14-Pin IC Socket 7212-332 4 4
Power Lead 7216-164 1  
M²Synth MU / MOTM Voltage Regulator / Interface 7216-170   1
MOTM Front Panel 7216-562 1  
MOTM Back Panel (1U4P4S) 7216-862 1  
MU Front and Back Panel 7219-562   1
Main PCB 7216-062 1 1
Jack Socket PCB 7215-722 1 1
Jack Sockets 7212-220 4 4
B100k Pots Long Shaft Angled 7300-820 3  
B100k Pots Short Shaft Angled 7300-821   3
KM20B Knobs 7212-170 3  
MU Knobs 7212-169   3
Circuit Schematic S-7216-062-b 1 1

PCB Layout 



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